BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About integrating with a maintenance management system > Integrating with Maximo 6 > Installing the AMMSection control

AMMSection is the name of the JavaScript control that creates the URL that is sent to Meridian Explorer when a user displays the Attached Documents page. For details about the URL, see Web link for Maximo 6.1 and 6.2. The control is integrated with Maximo by modifying the corresponding Maximo application definition file.

To install the AMMSection control:

  1. On the Maximo application server, copy the folder <Setup>\Maximo 6\ammsection to <Maximo>\applications\Maximo\Maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\controls.
  2. Open Maximo as a user with administrative rights, for example, maxadmin.
  3. In Maximo, open the Application Designer. The Applications page appears.
  4. Select the application to which you want to add the Asset Management Module Attached Documents page.
  5. Click the Export Application Definition icon . The Save As dialog box appears.
  6. Select a convenient location and click Save. The file is saved in the selected location.
  7. Open the saved definition file in any text or XML editor.
  8. Add a new tab element at the end of the following element:
  <presentation ...>
     <page ...>
        <clientarea ...>
           <tabgroup ...>

The XML tag should look like this:

  <!-- AMM extra tab -->
  <tab id="ammdocs" label="Attached Documents" >
   <!-- This section displays the AMM docs, must be added manually -->
   <ammsection id="ammdocs_sections" label="Engineering Documents">

The comment tags are optional. The file should look similar to the following figure.

        <!-- AMM extra tab -->
        <tab id="ammdocs" label="Attached Documents" >
        	<!-- This section displays the AMM docs, must be added manually -->
        	 <ammsection id="ammdocs_sections" label="Engineering Documents"  >
    <include id="pageFooter" />
  1. Save your changes and close the file.

A sample for the Asset application can be found in <Setup>\Maximo\Maximo 6\asset.xml.

Note    The first time that the Asset Management Module is installed on the Maximo server, import the modified definition file only after Maximo has been rebuilt, or the import will fail. Subsequent imports do not require rebuilding Maximo because a required JavaScript control will already be present.

Proceed as described in Configuring the Meridian Explorer URL parameters.

Related concepts

Understanding the integration with Maximo 5.x and 6

Integrating with Maximo 6

Related tasks

Configuring the Meridian Explorer URL parameters

Specifying configuration properties

Rebuilding Maximo 6

Importing the application definition file

Related information

Maximo application names

Web link for Maximo 6.1 and 6.2

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